Neighborhood Map

This project includes a neighborhood map of Manhattan Beach, California along with information about several venues there including local restaurants, ocean-related sites, and stores. The project was bootstrapped with Create React App and developed using React. The map feature used in the application was obtained via react-google-maps, an application that integrates React with Google Maps. In turn, that software was itself based on Google Maps API. Documentation about react-google-maps can be found here. In addition, the street views for markers that were used were obtained with the street view feature of Google Maps, also through react-google-maps. Data about the included venues were extracted using the Foursquare API.

The focus of this project is on utilizing APIs to develop an application in conjunction with React.
Users begin with a map of the neighborhood together with a list view of venues. A search feature allows the user to filter this list and upon clicking any item, the user is taken to the chosen venue's item page, detailing information about the location, hours of operation, busy times of the week and day, a photo view, contact information, customer tips, and more.
A screenshot of the search page
Clicking on the corresponding marker on the map will open a street view of the premises. Markers on the map are filtered in accordance with the filtered query and will animate/bounce when the corresponding item is clicked. Additional features include error handling for failed API requests, responsive design for mobile devices, accessibility features for motor- and visually-impaired users in the form of controlled focus, ARIA roles, and alternate image text, and finally, a service worker to cache the data of visited pages in the event of a poor network connection.
A screenshot of an individual information page listing data about the venue
Running The Application
To download, you can clone the repository using this terminal command:
git clone
Alternatively, follow the instructions below to download to a hard drive and to run the application:
  • Navigate to this page.
  • Click the green "Clone or download" button towards the right then choose "Download ZIP".
  • Find the folder neighborhood-map-master in your Downloads folder or wherever it was placed on your device.
  • Right click and choose "Extract All".
  • To run the application, you will need to have npm installed. See here for installation information.
  • To install all dependencies for the project from the command line, run the following commands in the terminal from within the project directory:
    cd neighborhood-map
    npm install
  • You will need a Google Maps Platform API key along with a Foursquare Client ID and a Foursquare Client Secret to use in the application:
    • If you do not have a Google Maps API key already, then you can obtain a Google Maps Platform API key for free here. You will have to create a billing account but there is a built in $200 credit.
    • If you do not have the Foursquare Client ID or Foursquare Client Secret, then you can obtain them here by first creating a free account.
    • After you have all three data items, create a new folder in the src directory called api.
    • Within api, create a Javascript file called APIkey.js. Within this file add the following lines, where YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY, YOUR_FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID, and YOUR_FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET are replaced by your personalized data values (don't forget the delimiting quotes):
      export const GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY = 'YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY'
    • Save the file.
  • Assuming that your location in the terminal is now within the neighborhood-map directory, run the following command to execute the application:
    npm start
    (I believe that yarn start will also be sufficient.)
  • Warning: The service worker that is bundled with create-react-app only works in production mode.
The page will open in the browser.